
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

15 Simple Metabolism Boosting Secrets


Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns kalorije.Brže you burn calories the more weight you lose, even if you eat the same amount, so it makes sense to do everything you can to boost your metabolic rate, you trying to lose a few pounds.

can use about 60% of the calories you need each day just being alive. This is your basal (or resting) metabolism. About 30% of calories are calculated by how much the move (your activity metabolism). The remaining 10% used the process of digestion (heat your metabolism ).

by making some simple changes you can fire all three types of metabolism and become leaner faster.

1 Eat little and often

and a small regular meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high. If you eat the same amount of food in just one or two large meals as you do in five or six mini meals and snacks you will burn fewer calories. This is because your metabolism slows down between meals. Never skip meals to save calories. After a low-calorie snack will do much better, and will also stop falling ravenously on the nearest chocolate later in the day.

2 Eat breakfast

Your metabolism slows down overnight. When a period of more than eight hours without eating you need food to get your metabolism going again. So have breakfast as soon after you wake up. If you are not breakfast person take something healthy with you when you leave the house and that as soon as you can face. It's not great for your weight loss plans to increase your metabolism with a mid morning cookie or cake.

3 Eat enough

If you eat too few calories, your metabolism will automatically fall. This is the only conservation mechanism that kicks in when your body thinks gladuju.Najsigurnije bet is to eat about 250 calories less than you need at a sedentary level to 250-500 calories of exercise each day to give a steady weight loss of between one and two pounds a week


4 Eat lean protein

It takes more energy for the body to digest protein than carbohydrate or fat. Studies have shown that people who eat high-protein diet burn more than twice as many calories in the hours following their meal as those eating a high carbohydrate diet. While the safety of high-protein diets can be disputed, it does not make sense to include some lean protein as part of every meal.

5 Eat fiber

foods high in fiber and provides a thermal boost metabolism. High fiber foods such as beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains simply take longer to digest and therefore help burn more calories.

6 Spice up your food

Spicy foods (especially chilli) raise your metabolism as much as twenty five percent for several hours after eating. So eat hot and spicy food a bit more regularly and see if it helps you. Just go easy on the refried beans and guacamole if you decide to go Mexican!

7 Drink coffee

Caffeine speeds up the heart beat faster and your heart rate the more calories you burn. Not great if you have heart problems or difficulty in sleeping, however!

8 Drink green tea

phytochemicals of green tea should slightly increase metabolism, causing your brain and nervous system to run faster. Although not many sizable and conclusive studies have been done on this by now, drinking green tea rather than milky coffee or other calorie-laden beverages will definitely help you lose weight!

9 Be an active

aerobic exercise for more than thirty minutes not only burns calories but also keeps your metabolism high for several hours poslije.Najbolje time for exercise in the morning because it will kick start your metabolism for the day. If you can make 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise almost every day, your metabolism will soar. Interval training will help even more.

10 Leave it

if you want to light exercise, try going for a walk after lunch or dinner. It boosts your metabolism increase in profit after meals. No strenuous exercising on a full stomach, though.

11 Build muscle

Muscles burn calories even when you are resting. For every pound of muscle you add, you burn about 50 extra calories a day, without taking any more exercise. So, it's a great idea to include some resistance or weight training into your exercise regime. Twenty minutes three times a week is enough to make a big difference in metabolic rate and the shape of your body.

12 Go hot or cold

Any extremes of temperature you experience will help increase your metabolism by 20 percent as the body tries to cool you down or raise your temperature. Make sure it is safe for you to go in the sauna or the Arctic expedition though before you try this one. You have to go on keeping your home a few degrees cooler than is comfortable for sitting around in the winter and restrict the air conditioner for very hot days in summer. In the winter it will help you get up and get moving in the summer and we encourage you to go to the pool to cool off!

13 Drink water ice

Another trick is to drink a glass of ice water several times a day. You will raise your metabolism so you just bring the water to body temperature. Drinking water is necessary in every case, of course, to bodily functions work perfectly (including your metabolism ).

14 Look alcohol

on top of empty calories that alcohol contains, it also has the effect of dehydration, which slows your metabolic heat. Alcohol tends to inhibit the process of metabolizing fat too, which can lower your basal metabolism. And not much chance of you want to exercise after all that booze so you'll have an impact on your activity metabolism too. Bad news all round!

15 Take a yoga

chemical processes which comprise your metabolism are regulated by the endocrine system, especially the thyroid. Yoga has many positions that have a powerful twisting and compressing effect on the endocrine organs, strengthening and encouraging them, and this may help to regulate and boost your metabolism.

If you boost your metabolism with these tips, you'll be improving your general health and your ability to burn calories. Not only will you find that you will lose weight faster, but you'll have more energy, more strength and you will be able to get through everything you do in one day easily.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small


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